Boys trapped inside cave, rescue will take months

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,July 04 2018]

In Thailand's Chiang Rai, a football team comprising 12 boys (as young as 11 to 16 years) and their 25-year-old coach have been trapped inside a cave for almost 13 days. Their plight came to light only on Monday, nine days after they ended up holed up in the cave.

A Navy team has been trying to rescue them. But latest reports say that the rescue operation can't be commissioned before Thursday due to some dangers involved. Water levels inside the cave have to be reduced first so that the planned rescue operation can be implemented. The boys have to learn diving before they can be rescued. It's estimated that it could take months! Experts have cautioned that taking inexperienced divers through the dangerous corridors of muddy, zero-visibility waters would be very risky. None of the trapped boys can swim, a BBC report says.

The fact that the weather is unpredictable is adding to the woes of the rescue team. Heavy rains are expected in the area, as it's a rainy season there. Rains will result in the flooding of the chambers of the cave.

As per the latest video that is out, a few children inside the cave have learned wearing oxygen masks.