Boys' trek into Thai cave supposed to last only an hour!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,July 14 2018]

The Thai cave rescue garnered international attention when 12 boys along with their football coach got trapped in the Tham Luang caves of Thailand. The 17 day long ordeal during which plenty of rescuers put their life at risk came to an end successfully.

The boys are currently housed in a hospital in northern Thailand. The health condition of the boys are safe albeit a few minor infections. Now a new information has emerged from the parents who talked to the boys. And that is, the trek into the caves of Tham Luang was supposed to last only one hour. But it so happened that nature’s fury tested the boys and the coach for 17 long days before escape.

The Thai navy seal commander, even amidst the success of the mission, has stated that the rescue was much more difficult then they had hoped it to be and several divers are undergoing treatment at hospital.