Breaking! Tension at Sabarimala Temple

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 17 2018]

The Sabarimala Temple has a special place in the heart of Lord Ayyappa's devotees. Many of them are today sad that the temple has been opened to women of all ages as ordered by the Supreme Court recently.

Madhavi, a 40-year-old lady, has on Wednesday become the first woman to enter the temple in the temple's history. She had to put up with the protestors at the temple, who created a ruckus in trying to stop her. Several policemen have been deployed at the temple to control the mobs who are determined to stop any woman from entering the temple as tradition bars women's entry. High tension is prevailing at the temple.

The OP van of a news channel has been attacked by the mob. A journalist is reported to have been injured. A 100-strong mob attacked a woman who was trying to enter the temple at Nilakkal enroute Sabarimala.