Bunny Vas on 'Next Nuvve' & clash with 'Bharat Ane Nenu'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 28 2017]

Bunny Vas, one of the producers of 'Next Nuvve', in this interview talks about what is in store in the film, why he is surprised at the move of producer DVV Danayya with respect to 'Bharat Ane Nenu', and more.

What is the film about?

A horror comedy, 'Next Nuvve' will keep you laughing right from the first scene. Many of the scenes have been shot in night effect. Don't think about logic. We promise that you will be thoroughly entertained. The reason I took up this project is because of the comedy quotient. Prabhakar's narration is great.

What do you foresee for Prabhakar?

He has a long career ahead. He is one of the very few debutantes to have bagged another film even before the release of his first movie. On my testimony, Maruthi (director-producer) is doing a film with him.

What vision have you people (Bunny Vas, Allu Aravind, Gnanavel Raja and Vamsi) for V4?

We want to encourage new talent. If you take 'NN', for example, the director is new, one of the heroines is new, the cinematographer is new. It's like a talent-hunting banner. Once they prove themselves, they will be given higher chances in our individual banners.

Three new guys are already working on their scripts. The one who convinces us will direct our next movie.

Ever since we announced that we will be making films with newcomers, I myself have received hundreds of messages on WhatsApp. But it's not possible to reach out to one and all. We are in the process of streamlining a system which makes the shortlisting of talents possible. We will roll out in a month's time.

Not that if we reject a director, he won't be able to make it somewhere. Everything depends on the situation and our capabilities to produce a movie. Some of the talent we reject may go on to become big.

How is it associating with Allu Aravind? Does Allu Arjun give any inputs?

Aravind garu gives valuable suggestions. Anything we do is discussed with him in advance. We approach Bunny for suggestions. However, we don't disturb him quite often. We go to him gauging his mood.

How was it working with Aadi Saikumar?

He is a professional guy. He is very punctual. He knows his decorum. Probably because he hails from a film family, he knows how to conduct himself with others. I hope that 'NN' will be a big break for him. If it happens, there is no stopping him.

'Na Peru Surya' is going to clash with 'Bharat Ane Nenu'. What is your take on this?

Had DVV Danayya garu (the producer of 'BAN') informed us before, we would have sit and discussed the release dates. We had announced the release date of 'NPS' long back. It was all over in the media. Moreover, it's the date (April 27) on which 'Kushi' had released. Danayya garu should have called us once. We can't withdraw the release date now.

This is something that never happened in the industry. When 'Julayi' was to be released, we postponed it by three weeks so as to give 'Eega' that space. Such a great film, we thought, needed to be given a space. Such has been the healthy environment in the industry.

Since you mentioned 'Kushi', are you wishing to work with Pawan Kalyan?

I have been his fan. I want to make a film with him. But I am not sure as he might be in politics by the time I am able to produce a film with him.