Call me Radhika Kumaraswamy, everything is right

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 31 2017]

Actress wife of popular politician HD Kumaraswamy, Radhika present at the Contract' shoot disclosed that she is Radhika Kumaraswamy' and not just Radhika. The life is going normal. I was away with personal work and family issues to my native place for some time. I have no break up in life and I am taking care of my child Shamika Kumaraswamy pointed the gleeful actress Radhika Kumaraswamy.

The lifestyle might have changed but my name and personality has not changed. As long as I am there, my name will be Radhika Kumarawamy claims the actress.

I have not left Bengaluru. I live in Dollars colony house and took a break to spend time with my parents and my business is going on well. I did not get offers in this time. I did not hear to any of the gossips. When I came to Bengaluru heard about having three children. That is absolute nonsense she says.

My only daughter is Shamika studying in 3rd standard. Giving good care for her is very important in life. I am spending more time with family disclosed Radhika Kumaraswamy.