Careless girl almost falls off a train- shocking video clip

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 03 2018]

We’ve heard the advice over and over again as kids. To be cautious of standing closer to the footboard. Be it train, or bus. A recent video of a girl nearly falling off a train has surfaced the web and it is sure to evoke a sense of fear when you see it. 

In the video,  a girl is seen slipping off of a train following which fellow passengers grab hold of her dangling. Then by some miracle, she is rescued. Though it seems like she is unhurt in the video, we very well know what would have happened even if something a little had gone amiss. 

The Mumbai Railway Protection Force is currently investigating the incident. It should also be noted that the girl was wearing earphones during the incident. Yes, we can’t live without music right.