Case against Bandla Ganesh under SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,January 11 2018]

A case has been slapped against Bandla Ganesh and his brother Shiva Babu under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Here is what the story behind it is.

Dr. Dileep Chandra, a resident of Shad Nagar, owns some property and poultries in the Farooq Nagar mandal. Bandla Ganesh had made an agreement with the doctor to buy them over in the past. As part of the agreement, Bandla committed that he will pay off the outstanding bank loans on the property.

However, since Bandla failed to honour the commitment, the concerned bank proceeded to seize the property and Dileep Chandra's house.

When Dileep Chandra, his wife and a councillor named Krishna Veni approached the Bandla brothers for their dues, the latter allegedly abused them. As per the complaint made by Krishna Veni, a case under the provisions of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act has been slapped.