Case against two anti-Pawan Kalyan tweeples

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 28 2018]

Two Twitter accounts which had allegedly been posting morphed pictures of Pawan Kalyan's mother have been suspended. The individuals running the disgraced accounts are set to face action by the Cyber police.

Case on @chantiabbaii @paithyam has been registered in Cyber crime PS..The authority is serious on this issue..Said that the necessary strict action will be taken at the earliest..(10 days at Max). Given..24 hrs to withdraw the case..if any understanding happens, claimed a Mega fan on Twitter.

The two accounts are said to have resorted to mudslinging and worse by resorting to morphing and posting obscene messages.

Only a few months ago, controversial starlet Sri Reddy was in the news for abusing Pawan Kalyan's mother.