Video - Tamil Casting director sexually abusing several young women

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 06 2018]

Several months back Telugu actress Sri Reddy made the shocking allegations of popular celebrities in Telugu and Tamil cinema of sexually exploiting aspiring actresses. In recent times singer Chinmayi under the Me Too movement alleged that legendary lyricist Vairamuthu sexually misbehaved with her when she was a teenager.

Now a young woman has released audio and video proof that famous Kollywood casting co-ordinator Mohan has sexually exploited her friend an aspiring actress. The girl who wishes to remain anonymous fearing for her life has also stated several young girls have become Mohan's victims and he also blackmails the girls into having sex with others threatening that he has recorded compromising videos.

Mohan on his part has stated that someone has illegally shot videos of his private life which is causing problems in his household.