Vishal is the Real Hero...!!! Look who says this

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 23 2015]

As we all known actor Vishal got straight down to the ground to help the rain and flood affected of people of Chennai. He walked in knee-deep water to distribute relief materials to those who lost it all in the deluge that stuck Chennai recently. He was also one of the young actors who organised and coordinated the rain relief and rehabilitation activities of various actors, under the umbrella of Nadigar Sangam.

Now it has come out that Vishal has helped the families of Chennai Metropolitan Police staff and their families affected by rains. He has apparently distributed relief materials the families of 1,200 police department personnel who were also the victims of severe rains and floods in Chennai.

The Chennai Metropolitan Police has acknowledged Vishal's timely help and has thanked him for it They have also hailed Vishal as the 'Real Hero'.

The praise assumes more importance as it is the Chennai Police who have sent days together forgetting their homes and personal duties in relief and rescue operations.