Cherry, wife and their religious fervour

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,June 19 2012]

A slew of bashes later, Ram Charan and Upassana Kamineni are busy paying a string of pilgrimages. Like every celebrity couple, they have fervently paid a visit to Sri Venkateshwara Swamy of Tirumala just two days after their marriage.

But it was not known then that, that was only the beginning. Imagine where they are now? After the first richest temple, they are now at the second richest religious site in the world.

A happy Charan just tweeted saying, 3 days ago in Tirupati and now in the vatican city visiting st.peter's church. thank u God. Once Charan is back from that country, he will be busy worshipping work!

Watch Ram charan Tej Upasana Marriage