Chidambaram questions govt over 'intelligence failure'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 02 2019]

Chidambaram, former Union Minister and Congress leader, has on Saturday asked the Modi government to answer on its errors of commission and omission with respect to alleged intelligence failure that led to the Pulwama carnage. About 44 CRPF jawans were martyred in the attack on February 14.

The WEEK magazine in the issue dated March 3 has, after accessing intelligence reports, stated that the Pulwama attack was an intelligence failure. What happened to the Multi Agency Center set up in Delhi and in State capitals? The Government is obliged to answer the charge by the WEEK and to explain the role of the MAC. Pulwama and the subsequent events are too serious to be ignored or forgotten after a few days, Chidambaram said.

It has to be seen what the Government and the BJP is going to say to counter the questions raised.