Chief Minister's vow to make death penalty mandatory after Asifa rape

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 13 2018]

The gang-rape of an eight year old girl Asifa in Jammu and Kashmir has left the entire nation in shock and also anger. The #justiceforasifa is also trending with eminent members of the film space and political fraternity showing placards with messages that demand the maximum punishment for the culprits.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Mehbooba Mufti in her latest social page statement has let out assurance as to looking into the matter of making death penality for rape on minors. “I want to assure the entire nation that I stand committed not just to ensure justice to Ashifa but also seek examplary punishment for those responsible for a crime whose brutal savagery has shamed humanity,” she said.

Here’s her tweets below: