China is NOT burning pigs alive to curb Coronavirus

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 04 2020]

Coronavirus is shaking China. It has infected thousands of people in the country, besides killing more than 350. Keeping in mind the emergency situation, the Chinese administration is taking a number of pro-active measures to contain Coronavirus.

It has been said on social media that lakhs of pigs have been maimed to death by the Chinese government to contain the spread of the lethal virus. Turns out that the news is fake. There is no such mass killing of pigs that is underway.

A fact-checking website has said that the culling of thousands of pigs happened in 2018 in China when the African swine fever broke out. Several videos shot at that time have resurfaced on social media in 2020. Many are under the wrong impression that the video clips are latest ones.