Clinical trials of Russia's anti-COVID vaccine to be held in India

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 08 2020]

It's known that Russia has claimed to have developed the world's first anti-COVID vaccine named Sputnik V. Its clinical trials have been carried out in Russia on thousands of volunteers.

The news is that its clinical trials will be expanded to other countries in September. India is one of them. Saudi Arabia, UAE and a couple of other countries are also included in the list.

This is going to be phase 3, the penultimate phase, of trials. Its preliminary results will be published towards the end of October or in early November.

There is more. India could become an important partner of Russia in the fight against coronavirus. Russia is considering a 'tech transfer' of its #SputnikV vaccine to India. Reportedly, this will be a partnership to develop, manufacture and supply the vaccine (sic), WION has reported.

Meanwhile, Sputnik V is said to be delivering effective results. Quoting a Lancet study, Byan MacDonald recently wrote, Well, well. This is interesting in light of the massive negativity in US/UK media when Russia unveiled the world's first Covid-19 vaccine, last month. British medical journal 'The Lancet' has published a study showing ‘Sputnik V’ to be 100% effective.