Comedian ready to give the title to Pawan Kalyan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 31 2016]

We have earlier reported that the title of Pawan Kalyan's next is most probably 'Katamrayudu'. Directed by Dolly of 'Gopala Gopala' fame, the movie tells the romantic- and action-filled story of a faction leader and is set in the backdrop of Rayalaseema.

It's reported that producer Sharat Marrar has approached comedian Sapthagiri for a reason. Guess what is that?

The title 'Katamrayudu' has been registered as the title of his next movie. Power Star has apparently evinced interest in the title for the reason that it sounds grand while suiting the Seema nativity. Above all, it's the title of a song Pawan crooned in his blockbuster hit 'Attarintiki Daredi'. Would there be a more apt one?

Sapthagiri reportedly has no problem with giving the title to Pawan's film. After all, Pawan commands huge respect in the industry. One hopes Sapthagiri will have a good role in Pawan's next as a goodwill reward.