Contradictory reports visit Rajamouli-NTR-RC movie

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,April 07 2018]

Rajamouli may or may not have narrated the complete script to the NTR-Ram Charan duo, but media reports regarding its backdrop have been active.

Two contradictory reports have been written about this big-ticket entertainer.  As per one set of exclusive reports, the untitled flick will be a period one whose story is set in the backdrop of Olympics.

A diametrically opposite set of exclusive reports have it that the film is only partly set in the contemporary era, with the other part set in British India.

We will know the truth only sometime later this year or, maybe, not until the most-awaited film hits the cinemas in 2019 or even 2020.  For now, NTR is looking forward to shooting for Trivikram's film, while Cherry is reveling in the stupendous blockbuster called 'Rangasthalam'.