97 year old Chennai man recovers from Coronavirus!

In a positive news to start the day, a 97-year-old man has recovered from the coronavirus after receiving treatment at a private hospital in Chennai. The elderly man has battled the deadly virus and has recovered completely as per the official statement issued by Kauvery Hospital.

The hospital's statement read that the 97-year-old Krishna Murti was admitted on May 30 with fever, cough and mild breathlessness and has now become one of the oldest survivors of coronavirus in the hospital. Krishna Murti reportedly also had comorbidity like hypertension and heart disease.

After the treatment, the patient started responding and his fever reduced, besides also recovering from breathlessness. Krishna Murti started taking his own food and was discharged after his Coronavirus test results came negative. As per reports, the 97-year-old man is the oldest patient in Tamil Nadu to have survived fighting coronavirus and is the second oldest person in the country to recover from Coronavirus. Before Krishna Murti, a 95-year-old woman from Dindugul was the oldest to recover in Tamil Nadu, after receiving treatment from Karur Government Hospital, and she also had age-related ailments.