Basketball player proposes to lover at Commonwealth Games!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,April 09 2018]

The 2018 Commonwealth Games in Australia, will not only be remebered for the atheletes who shined in it, but also for the engagement of Jamell Anderson and Georgia Jones. Because, for real, the duo had gotten just engaged in the CWG basketball court in Townsville! (Say what!)

Anderson plays for the English basketball team and he proposed to Georgia just moments after England’s win over Cameroon. Poor girl, Georgia thought she was just there for a celebratory snap, but now she sure must on cloud nine!

Georgia Jones plays for Manchester Mystics in the Women’s British Basketball League. “I had absolutely no idea. He told me i was just getting a picture taken. I’m just in shock,” she said. 

Well, isn’t that now romantic?