Court orders sperm collection from dying Covid patient after wife's plea

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,July 22 2021]

Earlier this week, a young woman from Gujarat moved the High Court in Ahmedabad, pleading it to permit doctors to preserve her dying husband's sperms.

Here is what happened. The 29-year-old husband contracted coronavirus in May. Since then, his condition had deteriorated vastly. So much so, he had to be put under life support. When the doctors said that he wouldn't be alive beyond a day, the wife moved the High Court, saying that she wants to adopt the artificial insemination route so as to mother a child from her husband.

The doctors were not ready to preserve his sperms without the patient's consent. It's required by the law to take a patient's consent. But since he was in an unconscious state, the husband's consent couldn't be sought.

The HC heard the matter urgently because the patient was running out of time. In its order, the HC told the doctors to preserve the sperms.

The wife can adopt the artificial insemination route only if further orders are received.