Cousins compete

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 10 2009]

Hat trick hero Shivarajakumar and his cousin Vijay Raghavendra compete in the box office this week. Shivarajakumar is in emotional brother and sister sentiment film ‘Devaru Kotta Thangi’ (Meera Jasmine is his sister and Monica is the heroine in the film) directed and produced by veteran Om Saiprakash. Vijaya Raghavendra is opposite Priyanka in a thriller produced by R Shanker and directed by newcomer Shashikanth.

What is needed at this time for Shivarajakumar is a hit. His last year and this years films Sathya in Love, Bandhu Balaga, Madesha, Paramesha Panwala, Hodi Maga, Nanda, Bhagyadha Balegara have failed to click in the box office. Although Shivarajakumar is a favorite in the sentiment and action films and despite of brother and sister sentiment films of his ‘Thavarige Baa Thangi’ and ‘Anna Thangi’ doing stupendous business in the past the buyers have not come forward for ‘Devaru Kotta Thangi’. The expected moves did not come for the director cum producer Om Saiprakash. This has forced the producer Saiprakash to take up distribution of his own film for the first in his career.

Another veteran Vemgal Jagannath Rao ‘’ a suspense thriller could not make it in the last week is also in the box office battle this week.

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