COVID-19: Proud moment as India becomes a major PPE producer

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 07 2020]

India is the world's second-largest producer of Personal Protective Equipment. Only in February, not a single PPE kit was being produced in India.

What is a PPE kit? A PPE kit consists of a face mask, eye shield, shoe cover, gown and gloves. These are a must for doctors and frontline Covid-19 warriors battling corona patients, a report says.

India had 2.75 lakh PPE kits in January. All of them were imported ones. And, as of May first week, the governments (both Central and states) have got 15.96 lakh PPE kits just in the buffer. This is in addition to 21.32 lakh PPE kits with the Centre and state-run hospitals in the country.

Thanks to Make In India mission, there are as many as 110 domestic manufacturers of PPE kits in India. Out of which, 52 companies are into production of PPE kits. They are able to produce more than 1.5 lakh PPE kits per day.

By June end, India is expected to need as many as two crore PPE kits.