Covid-19: Urvashi Rautela chips in with Rs 5 Cr

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 12 2020]

Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela has donated Rs 5 crore to assist the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. This is the single-biggest contribution from a female celeb in the country towards Covid-19 relief efforts.

A few days back, Urvashi had announced officially on her Instagram account that she would be conducting a virtual dance masterclass. The session was a free dance session for people who wished to learn dance. The dance masterclass video which was on the TikTok platform turned viral and got her connected with 18 million people, as a result of which she had received Rs 5 crore.

The actress has come in for praise from various quarters for the large-hearted gesture. No contribution is too small, Urvashi said. The money is likely to go to some NGOs which have been engaged in relief activities.