Covid-19: Look how fast lakhs of cases are getting added globally

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,June 26 2020]

Covid-19 is not going to go away anytime soon. Worse, lakhs of cases are getting added globally faster and faster. Dr. Tom Frieden, President and CEO of Resolve To Save Lives, presents facts that are obvious yet shocking.

It took the world about 100 days to go from 0 cases to 1 million detected cases. Then: 1 to 2 million: 12 days; 2 to 3 million: 13 days; 3 to 4 million: 12 days; 4 to 5 million: 11 days; 5 to 6 million: 10 days; 6 to 7 million: 8 days; 7 to 8 million: 8 days; 8 to 9 million: 6 days. The pandemic is accelerating, the doctor says.

What Dr. Faheem Younus of FIDSA said on June 24 only reaffirms this. Myth: COVID is losing its potency. Will die down soon (on its own). Fact: This claim is based on hope, not data. COVID went from 1 to 5,00,000 global cases in 86 days. It’s now adding 5,00,000 new cases every 3-4 days! Hope is not a plan. Test/Trace/Isolate/Facemask/hand wash is, he tweeted.

Leaders like Donald Trump have been called out by experts in this context. Latest number is 2.4 million Americans have caught the Coronavirus Covid-19, and 124,000 have died. What caused the death? Yes, it is a global pandemic, but America was on the mend, a social media influencer says.