Covid-19 spreading 30% faster in Telangana this time: Report

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 31 2021]

The second wave of coronavirus in Telangana is spreading faster than the first wave, Dr. G Srinivasa Rao, the Director of Public Health, Government of Telangana, has been quoted as saying by TNIE. This goes to show why there has been a sudden spike in the daily caseload in March.

The good news is that the second wave is far better in terms of the percentage of asymptomatic cases. If the first wave had only about 60-70% asymptomatic cases, the second wave has got 80-90% asymptomatic cases. This goes to show that the virus is more infectious now but less dangerous perhaps.

The new wave has prompted the KCR government to take necessary steps in the right earnest. People have been warned against not masking up. With a large percentage of people not taking masking up seriously, the government is expected to take steps to educate them more. All religious and other gatherings have been called off till April 30.

Meanwhile, there is no talk of another lockdown in the State, with the Chief Minister himself asking people not to panic about a lockdown.