'Creativity' - A Facet In My Family: Ben Stiller

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,April 27 2015]

Ben Stiller who's primarily known for his comedic histrionics in films such as 'Meet The Parents', 'Zoolander', 'Madagascar' series, the 'Night At The Museum' franchise and his lingering performance in 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' is back with his next defining film 'While We're Young' this Summer.

In a recent interview, Ben revealed his character in 'While We're Young' is quite similar to how he is in real life and the he doesn't restrict his children's' independence.

The father of two also says that they "don't have physicist genes or tall genes, but we have creative genes". He also said he doesn't mind his children taking to acting in the future, but would also be very happy if they chose to do something different in their career.

'While We're Young' stars Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts as the leads and the story revolves around the couple hanging around a younger couple, Adam Driver and Amanda Seyfried. Eventually, they start to inhibit the young couple's youthfulness and how the film travels from thereon form the rest of the story.

'While We're Young' is being distributed by PVR Pictures here in India and will release on May 1.