Croatian President's heart-winning gesture after FIFA World Cup finals

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 16 2018]

Croatia came as underdogs into the FIFA world cup but then moved past some of the best teams to reach the finals. However, the Croatian team was humbled by the French who clinched the world cup title. But still it’s commendable for an unknown team like Croatia reach the finals right?

However it was Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic’s endearing gesture that touched the hearts of millions of fans around the world. After the match was over she went out for a straight hug with the French President Emmanuel Macron.

More than that, Kolinda Grabar became the hero of the day by hugging out her players and appreciating them even while it was raining, without an umbrella to cover her. The finals between Croatia and France is considered to be the highest scoring FIFA finals since 1966.