Curly days for Shammu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,July 02 2009]

Mathiyosi - Gallery

Some go lean, some put on weight. Some change their hairdo, while some do away with their mane. Here is one interesting piece that shows what actors go through for their movie role.

Shammu, of ‘Mayilu’ and ‘Kanchivaram’ fame, has been roped in for director Nanda Periyasamy’s ‘Maathi Yosi’. It is said that her character in the movie is of a girl with curly hair. For this, the production team had to shell out nearly 1 lac rupees only getting her hair curled. A temporary treatment, the curly hairdo lasted only for a week and Shammu had to redo the process, which cost Rs. 15000 per sitting. But the pretty actress was only too willing to undergo the treatment and was very co-operative.

Watch out for the new curly Shammu soon, for the climax of the movie is only on the pending list before the team hit upon the releasing date.