D-day producer vows to release its Tamil version

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 05 2014]

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D-day producer vows to release its Tamil version

D-day is the bollywood film released last year. The story of the film traced the life of noted underworld leader Dawood Ibrahim...

Arya to fight in Binny mills

The second schedule of Arya starrer Meagaman has started today in Chennai. The one month long schedule will take place in a huge set erected in Binny mills where Director Magizh Tirumeni is will shoot the major stunt sequences of the film....

'Uthama Villain' to Begin soon

While Ulaganayagan Kamlahassan is busy shooting his magnum opus Viswaroopam 2, the most expected sequel of Viswaroopam, the blockbuster film of 2013,sources close to the star say that he has completed the script work for his next film titled as Uthama Villain...

Andrea added in Sasikumar film

After giving two consecutive hits in Sundarapandian and Kuttipuli, Sasikumar is aiming a hat trick with Bramman in which he plays the lead role. The trailer of the film was released recently and it has garnered positive response among audience. Now the latest we hear about the film directed by debutante Socrates is that actress

Hansika to undergo treatment

Reliable reports coming from K-town circles suggest that Hansika is suffering from nervous disorder and she is going to take a break for undergoing treatment in Kerala. A sad news indeed for the fans of the cute and bubbly actress who is steadily climbing up the ladder by acting with leading heroes one after another...