D-day tension for NTR

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 19 2005]

Tomorrow is the D-day for NTR Jr.

His Narasimhudu is being released all over the world with around 280 prints --- one of the highest ever in the industry.

The trade talk is a hit. But the producer, going for the jugular, seems to have over-hyped things and gone for a dramatic advertisement that talked of the film being run for 100 days in 202 prints.

That is overselling is the general verdict.

But the worries of NTR should be different.

He knows he has to deliver in this film after the flops of all his recent films.

More than anything else, he has competition is brewing up from close quarters. His half-brother's film Atanokkade has become a hit.

So NTR has to match Kalyan Ram. Of course, NTR is in a different league. But sibling rivalry is always very cussed and contentious.

If Narasimhudu becomes a hit, NTR can afford a roar. But if doesn't, he can't even show a whimper.