D Suresh Babu announces two new films

Two alumni of the Ramanaidu Film School will be directing two different movies under Suresh Productions. The newcomers have taken up a crime thriller and a mystery.

Satish Tripura and Ashwin Gangaraju will be implementing techniques they learned at our film school in making the movies, D Suresh Babu said on Thursday, making the announcement.

The former's film will be an intriguing crime thriller telling the story of a small-time crook. The latter's film, on the other hand, will be a gripping mystery telling the story of a tech entrepreneur.

Venkatesh’s 'Naarappa', a remake of 'Dream Girl', a remake of 'Sonu Ki Titu Ki Shaadi', projects with Kajal Aggarwal, Regina Cassandra, and Nivetha Thomas are in the pipeline from Suresh Productions.