Dalit association complains against Kamal's movie

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,June 07 2016]

Once again, a Kamal Haasan film is in trouble. The news is that a Dalit group has taken offence to the title Sabhash Naidu. According to one Association for Progress of Tamil Nadu Arunthathiyar, the title "portrays the Naidu community as a higher caste" and "all the other communities (are portrayed to be) lower than the Naidu community".

The said group has filed a complaint with the collector's office in Coimbatore, urging that action be taken against the film. “We want that no banners, hoardings or posters of the movie are put up,” the association has been quoted as saying. In the event of no action being taken up against the Kamal-Shruti Haasan-Brahmanandam starrer, the group says, they will "carry out a mass agitation in Coimbatore and Chennai".

Looks like the controversy is unwarranted. A film's title is selected keeping in view the subject. Since the director, producer and the main cast members are in US, they haven't issued a statement yet.