Aamir Khan's 'Dangal' enjoys record breaking second Monday

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 03 2017]

Aamir Khan's Dangal has been roaring at the box office and breaking records every single day.

As per our reports, the film has garnered 13.45 cr Net on the 2nd Monday, which is Day 11 taking the cumulative total to 284.69 cr. Monday being no holiday and a proper working day, yet the film collected this huge number. Even in its third week the movie is creating storm in the theaters and has just less than 28% drop from Friday!

'Dangal' is accumulating humongous response with positive word of mouth drawing audience to cinema halls.

The film seems to be on a record breaking spree, breaking records every day. It created a history with Highest 2nd Sunday collections crossing 32.04 cr, also witnessing 18.59 cr on Friday and 23.07 cr on Saturday.

The movie had a bang on week one collection with a total gross of Rs 274 Cr worldwide at the box office.

'Dangal' being one of the biggest blockbusters of 2016 has crossed Rs 400-crore mark worldwide and is sprinting towards the Rs 300-crore mark at the Indian Box office collection.