Deepika Padukone calls Ranbir 'Bro'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,September 23 2015]

Everyone's heart skipped a beat when we heard it from Deepika calling Ranbir 'Bro'. It was during the trailer launch of 'Tamasha' when both the stars came together.

The dimpled beauty Deepika and talented hunk Ranbir were mobbed with questions on all spheres. Specifically, both were asked to give their opinion on the new plan that disallows user from deleting whatsapp and other social sites for 90 days. Ranbir who came forward to answer it said, "Try not sending unpleasant or offensive messages as far as you can. Even if you're in a relationship then, avoid sending ugly messages to each other. That's the maximum that anyone should do."

The 'Chennai Express' actress Deepika Padukone seemed amazed and satisfied with his answer, concluded by saying - "What an answer Bro". The whole room fell in silence for a second. Yeah.... yeah... we all agree that it was slip of the tongue, because the duos are known to be best of friends in good and bad times.

We wish them all the luck for the movie and Tamasha' is all set to release on November 25.