Jeep used by 'Kaala' Rajinikanth to go to a auto museum after shoot

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 30 2017]

The first look poster of Superstar Rajinikanth's 'Kaala' featured Rajinikanth sitting on the bonnet of a Thar model jeep of Mahindra brand. On Monday, Anand . Mahindra, the Chairman and Managing Director of Mahindra Group had tweeted that he wanted to keep the car used by the Superstar for 'Kaala' in his company's auto museum. Immediately a fan replied that the jeep in the poster might be a photo shopped one.

However later on the day, Dhanush the producer of 'Kaala' replied to the business tycoon that the Thar jeep is presently used for the shooting of the film and once the shooting is completed it will be handed over to Mahindra to keep it in museum.

To this, Anand Mahindra acknowledged Dhanush's reply on a jubilant note and he is ostensibly elated that he is going to get the vehicle used by the world renowned superstar to be kept in his museum.