Dhanush, the mountain man

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 25 2012]

Dhanush is getting busy in Bollywood. Besides 'Raanjhnaa' and 'Mariyaan', the actor has signed one more Hindi movie. This time, it is going to be a bio-pic.

According to sources, the film will be based on the life of late Dashrath Manjhi, who made history after he spent over two decades chiseling away at a mountain with rudimentary tools.

Manish Shah will direct the movie. Initially, Manoj Bajpai was said to be playing the lead role in this flick. However, he has now been replaced by Dhanush, it is learnt.

With just his chisel, hammer and shovel, Dashrath Manjhi, who was popularly known as 'Mountain Man', turned what was once a precarious one-foot-wide passage into a 360ft-long, 30ft-wide road accessible by bicycle and motorcycle.