Dhoni lavished with ultimate praises

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,January 18 2019]

Indian cricket team's first bilateral series victory in Australia has come as a huge matter of celebration. In special praise for the achievement, of course, is Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

After the match, Virat Kohli said that, as a team, we are very happy for Dhoni. He added, People say a lot of things, as an individual we know that there is no one more committed to Indian cricket than MS Dhoni.

Suresh Raina tweeted out, If reliable had to be described, it would have Dhoni written all over it. Ramesh Srivats said, I am wondering which is more solid -Dhoni defending the ball, or Commentators defending Dhoni.

Mazher Arshad, a cricket statistician, wrote, At 37 years and 195 days, MS Dhoni is the oldest Indian to get player-of-the-series award in ODIs. Previous: Sunil Gavaskar (37y and 191d) vs Sri Lanka in 1987.