Diganth Film Fest

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 13 2011]

Diganth in the last six months had a series of releases like 'Pancharangi, Bisile, Jolly Boy, Lifu Ishtene' and the news of going to Mumbai with another Kannada actress Nidhi Subbaiah was also a major development.

Now he has another bunch of films set for release starting from 14th of October 'Puthra' a remake of Tamil film 'Emtan Magan' of Bharat and Gopika.

Soon he has releases like 'Thaare and Kanchana'. Diganth elusive to sundry films promotional activities was seen perfectly for his films 'Pancharangi and Lifu Ishtene' as both had the names of Yogaraj Bhat the top director connected to the cinema.

With one side the producer like K Manju yelling at the actors not coming for publicity, here is Diganth who is missing for average producer films.