Dil Raju's re-marriage shouldn't become an issue!

Dil Raju, the popular producer from Telugu Film Industry, re-married on Sunday and the photos of the couple have gone viral. Many started speculating on the age of the girl, he married and also about her status.

Whatever may be our judgements or opinions on the issue, we cannot know full details of a person's private life ever. We know only details that are shared to us and forming opinions based on that information, seems cruel.

This is not to support the producer but think once, if someone starts to question us everyday about everything that happens in our lives. How would we feel? We might have done a mistake or committed to a new relationship but if that becomes a subject of unwanted opinionated statements or trolls, can we digest?

There are things that we can troll and things that don't need us to share our comments on. This seems to belong to the second category and it is better to avoid judgements based on half-facts and half-truths.