Don't treat me as a Pakistani - Dr. Vishnuvardhan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 22 2005]

"I am a pure Indian. Do not treat me like a Pakistani" – this was the reaction of Dr.Vishnuvardhana when a question on the film city issue was placed before him. He was speaking at a meet the press arranged by Press Club of Bangalore on Wednesday morning. In some of the issues I am treated like a Pakistani. Stop at it. I am open for discussions said Dr. Vishnuvardhana to his biters.

NO POLITICS – I would not suit to politics. Despite of continuous tapping my residence I have not evinced interest in politics. I am not afraid or I am under the impression that politics is dirty. But for my nature politics does not suit. It is not my cup of tea.

I DID NOT EXPECT – The honorary doctorate from Bangalore University I did not expect. I am now thinking whether I am eligible or nor. Even now my mind is not accepting this award. Had I rejected the honorary doctorate I would have got a bad name of 'head weight'. Some of the awards we have to place at the top and sit down he reacted to another question.

ENOUGH OF AWARDS – Please keep away from awards Dr.Vishnuvardhana made a humble admission.

Answering another question on remakes he opined that whether it is remake or straight subject, the success is what matters he said.

When his attention was drawn to the clash between himself and Dwarakish, he said keeping quiet would answer everything.

In an hour long meet the press with Dr.Vishnuvardhana the President of Press Club of Bangalore Ponnappa, General Secretary Sadashiva Shenoy and Vice President Ashok Kumar were also present.