'Drive' marks start of bond between Bollywood, Israel

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,October 13 2017]

A song shot for Hindi film "Drive", starring Sushant Singh Rajput, marks the commencement of an association between Bollywood and Israel.

Hassan Madah, Director, Israel Ministry of Tourism India, told: "The shoot with Dharma Production's 'Drive' marks the start of an association between Bollywood and Israel."

"We are delighted about the song being shot in Tel Aviv as the city is known for being vibrant, fashion forward, offering delectable world cuisine and is Israel's party city. We hope that this shoot will attract more of Bollywood to Israel and are confident that the locations captured in the song will positively impact the number of Indian tourists to Israel," Madah added.

The team of the film, directed by Tarun Mansukhani, is shooting a party number in Tel Aviv, the party capital of the Middle East

According to a source, while the shoot hours are long, the cast and crew still go out and explore various destinations. They visited Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and experienced the nightlife. They also met Sanam band while in Tel Aviv.

The cast is currently exploring Jerusalem.

Mansukhani has been updating fans on social media with photographs from his travel experiences. He visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and clicked a selfie with actress Jacqueline Fernandez.

"My saviour Jesus Christ. I was lost but now I'm found," Jacqueline shared on her Instagram page from Jerusalem.

"Let the one among you who is without sin' cast the first stone. My most important life lesson from Jesus... Jerusalem," she wrote with another image in which she is seen lighting a candle.