Eega mania spreads to Bollywood

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 04 2012]

After the release of Magadheera, Rajamouli participated in a discussion on filmmaking in which many eminent film personalities took part. With his interesting insights, Rajamouli wowed no less a genius than Mani Ratnam himself. Circa 2012, Tollywood's Numero Uno creator has made an avant-garde filmmaker like Anurag Kashyap to sit, talk and tweet about his forthcoming film.

Believe it or not, the DevD maker believes that if one wants to be irreverent, that could be achieved only the Eega way. This is an epic. Most awaited film of the year. Irreverent hona ho to EEGA jaisa ho, warna na ho. If a brilliant mind like him feels this, others will naturally be eager to be smitten by the fly.

Nobody doubts that Rajamouli will score a hit this time. The question is, will he become Tollywood's answer to Shankar? We hope so. What about you?