Video of ‘Euphoria’ actor working as a waiter goes viral

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 14 2022]

American teen drama series Euphoria is one of the most successful TV shows currently besides being the most watched HBO show following Game of Thrones. It comes as no surprise that some of the actors’ lives have been gloriously transformed.

One such actor who has experienced huge success in his professional life is Angus Cloud, who played the role of Fezco in the series. He had recently explained that he wasn’t comfortable with fame and that it bothered him when people dug up his old pictures. Ironically, a video of the actor from four years ago when he worked as a waiter, resurfaced on social media and went viral in merely a few hours. Angus apparently used to work as a waiter at an American chicken-and-waffles restaurant in New York City back in 2018.

He was then approached by a casting director, who asked him to audition for the role of Fezco. “She gave me her phone number, so I called her, I went, they had me do a couple of auditions and whatnot, and then I flew out to film the pilot in LA,” Angus mentioned. The third season of Euphoria will air in 2024 on HBO Max.