Exclusive: Bigg Boss Harika fields Rapid-Fire questions

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 30 2020]

Harika is one of the most popular inmates of Bigg Boss Telugu 4. We caught up with the reality show's adorable finalist and shot her a few interesting rapid-fire questions. The YouTube star's answers were precise. Read on..

Laziest person in the house: Kumar Sai

Most sportive person: Noel Sean

Craziest: Ariana Glory

Most selfish: Divi Vadthya because she used to be self-centered when it comes to food

Strangest person: No one

Best cook: There were a number of good chefs. Lasya akka and Ariana cook items without high-end ingredients.

Biggest motormouth: Monal Gujjar

Messiest person: Amma Rajasekhar. His cooking style used to be crazy. He would dance while making food and leave the kitchen quite messy.

Revelation: Activities like sweeping, dish-washing used to bore us inmates. I used to be disinclined to clean the washroom.

What is the one thing Harika remembers when the names of her fellow inmates are mentioned:

Akhil: Caring

Sohel: Energetic

Abhijeet: Gentlemanly stuff

Monal: Creative

Harika told us that YouTube will be her second priority from now. The primary one will be something else, she added.

Asked as to what is that one trait she doesn't like in others, the Internet sensation said, Someone getting angry without a reason. Out-of-turn behaviour is something she hates.