EXCLUSIVE: Nikhil on the Ayisha story, working like a monster, doing TV

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 17 2018]

In his interview with IndiaGlitz, Nikhil Siddhartha says that he wasn't concerned much about the recent rumours regarding his marriage.  I can't stop such rumours.  The media has the liberty to talk about celebs.  Celebs are like public property.  Unless a rumour is harmful, I wouldn't respond.  I was never engaged, never got married.  If the media write about me, it only means they like me, he says.

Has he met the right girl?  I have to first get free from movies.  I am always working, engaged in rehearsals, dubbing, promotions, or any other work.  A girlfriend has to be taken out, she has to be given time.  I can't do all that, he says.

But haven't the likes of Naga Chaitanya and Samantha fallen in love despite their busy schedules?  I am a monster at work.  I have no godfather in the industry.  From listening to the story to overseeing release formalities, I do everything myself.  That said, I really want to get married and have kids, he says.

How does he view dating?  Dating is cool as long as it's serious.  Misusing it to flirt with girls is not right.  Before dating a person, one has to check whether the other person is serious, he opines.

Has he ever dated any girl?  I have met quite a few girls.  I don't want to reveal those things on the camera.  A lot of friends of mine were so cool and cute.  I never called it dating.  I come from a strict family.  My parents would express astonishment if I even talked to a girl on the phone, the 'Kirrak Party' actor reveals.

He talks about his first crush when he was in Standard I.  Her name was Ayisha.  She was so cute.  She is now married and has kids, he informs.  Is he stalking her or what?  I am not stalking her.  (Laughs).  Somebody happened to tell me about that, he says.  If and when he falls in love with a girl, Nikhil will pamper his girl like crazy.  

When is he going to turn a TV host?  NTR and Rana have got so much of energy.  They are also stars.  I have to focus on delivering hits.  More and more people have to recognize me in B and C centers.  They have to move from 'Aren't you Nikhil?' to 'Hi, Nikhil bhai'.  Till then I can't think of television, he signs off.