Fahadh rejects a Mohanlal starrer remake

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 26 2015]

Fahadh Fassil revealed that there was a time when he was approached to do a remake of a classic Mohanlal movie, which he rejected. He says that Mohanlal is irreplaceable and that he wouldn't be able to do justice in the remake.

Fahadh is in awe of Mohanlal and says that he started admiring the actor after watching 'Gandhinagar 2nd Street'. Fahadh notes that Mohanlal plays each and every character he does differently and that this is something that Mohanlal himself wouldn't be able to explain. Fahadh admires the way in which Mohanlal is able to transform even into a helpless man, sans all the superstar baggage with consummate ease.