Fake news about covid injections into penis goes viral

For the past few days, a viral image that quotes a doctor as saying that COVID-19 vaccine injections into the penis should be encouraged is going viral. The image claims that the doctor was quoted by CNN, the foreign media house. Since a lot of people in India think that what foreign publications say and publish is always credible, the claim has been widely shared on social media platforms.

The image, however, is totally fake. It's not at all true that doctors are discovering that injecting the vaccine into the penis of the male recipients will ensure superb results. No study of the University of California has ever been made.

The doctor seen in the image is Dr Ardeshana. He himself has confirmed that he never made such a misleading claim.

Across the world, trained frontline workers are administering the vaccine jab. They strictly adhere to what is asked of them. This is quite a relief in times of fake social media posts and viral lies. Imagine if the vaccine didn't require us to go to a paramedic or a doctor. A lot of people might actually have started implementing the false claims in real life!