'Lucknow Central' makes Farhan Akhtar nostalgic! READ HOW

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 18 2017]

Farhan Akhtar kick started the shoot for Nikhil Advani's forthcoming film 'Lucknow Central'.

As per our sources, the film began shooting at Mumbai. In fact the first day was nostalgia of sorts for the actor as the first day of shoot of 'Lucknow Central' was at the same place of the last day of shoot for 'Bhagat Milkha Bhaag'..

The film that soaked in huge appreciation which featured the life of athlete Milkha Singh is vey close to farhan. And so the shoot of first day of 'Luncknow Central' being at the same place that of Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' got several old memories rushing into Farhan!

The crew after shooting the first day at Matunga has now moved down to Filmcity.