Feel light, get heavy roles

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 09 2005]

Two films in two weeks and both of them doing well.

It is an achievement that Sneha can be proud of.

Sneha, the heroine of Radha Gopalam and Sankranthi (the two releases in question), now wants to consolidate on the gains.

The actress in a bid to re-invent herself for the competition has decided to keep an eagle eye on her flab.

Sneha was felt to be slightly over-weight and almost rotund in certain sequences in both the films. Taking the criticism in right spirit, the beautiful-smiled actress has gone on a crash diet and lost a few kilos.

Now she looks fit and ready for more fight.

Though offers have been coming her way after Sankranthi and Radha Gopalam, Sneha has also decided to choose her roles as carefully as she is choosing her diet.

The only film that she has confirmed so far is one for producer M L K Choudary.

The man who made Pedadbabu with Jagapathibabu is planning another movie with the same hero. Sneha has been confirmed as the heroine.

Deviprasad, who directed Aduthu Paduthu and Leelamahal Center, will wield the megaphone.

The film is expected to go to floors next month.

And by then, Sneha would have lost a few more kilos.

Moral of the story: If you want heavy roles, you have to be light.