Female journos accuse BJP Minister of sexual misconduct

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,October 09 2018]

MJ Akbar, the Minister of State for External Affairs, was a journalist for decades before giving up journalism for politics. On Monday and Tuesday, at least four women journalists have accused him of sexual misconduct with them many years ago.

When he was the editor of a newspaper 25 ago, Akbar allegedly asked a woman intern to meet him at a star hotel in Mumbai. He was 43 years old at that time. He asked the 23-year-old woman to see him in his hotel room. After she came, he drank vodka and sang romantic Hindi songs. Other women too have shared harrowing experiences.

So far, the BJP is silent on the issue. Says journalist Prashant Kumar, Have called up atleast 3 big BJP leaders, 2 spokespersons since morning asking for a comment on #MJAkbar, NO ONE wants to speak anything on the allegations against him. Complete silence. Uncanny silence.